Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day

Family Picture


Today is Mother's Day. Since Suzy had her baby I have thought a lot about my mothering experience. I remember now that it was a not an easy thing to do. It was exhausting, frustrating, and the most wonderful experience in the world. I look back and am honestly amazed that my children turned out so well. I know that it is mostly in spite of me, not because of me. I made so many mistakes. I know that it is because of help from Heavenly Father and through the Atonement of Jesus Christ that they are all such good people. The Savior filled in all the gaps, made up for my mistakes, and blessed me with the strength to do what I needed to every day. Thankfully my children have also been forgiving of me which helps.

So the moral of this story to all of you who now find yourselves in those exhausting, frustrating, wonderful days, and are praying with all you might that your children will turn out can know that Heavenly Father will carry you as well. You are not alone in your endeavor. He is helping you far more than you realize. He knows your little ones better than you, and will guide you to know what they need. They too will grow to be wonderful people

I am so proud of my children, and am so grateful for my partnership with Heavenly Father in raising them. They have taught me more than I have taught them. What I did teach them, I learned from my sweet mother....and on and on it goes..... The exhaustion, and frustration end, but the rewards never do.  I feel so very Blessed.

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