Sunday, December 12, 2010

Cold but Festive

This is how cold it was in Boston.  Out sweet little kids never whined a minute.  The adults on the other hand did some complaining. 

 You know it's cold when even the dogs are wearing coats.
It was a very festive place though.  This building was my favorite.  Lots of homes had these kinds of wreath in the windows, and many of them had candles.  It was beautiful.  I loved the architecture!!!  We had a very fun day even with the cold.  I even had a bowl of New England Clam Chowder  in New England.  I thought that was great, and it was oh- so yummy, and warm!!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Freedom Trail

Yesterday we struck out to walk the Freedom Trail in Boston. I hate to bring this up as a reccuring theme in all of my recent posts...but it was SO cold that we didn't make it as far as planned. We were bundled from head to toe...but that humid cold got the best of us. However we did get to see the first few sites on the trail...including:

The Boston Settlers PlaqueOne of the oldest buildings in Boston, The Massachusetts State House
Samuel Adam's burial site:
King's Church:

The site of the Boston Massacre
Boston is such a beautiful city and it will take many trips back to see all that we want to see!

Friday, December 10, 2010

A Boston Welcome

Randy, Lincoln, and I, have come to visit Clarissa, Patrick, Graice, Alli, and Miles in Boston.
We came on the red-eye flight from SLC.  It actually wasn't bad at all.  At Least for me.
We arrived in Boston at 7:30 am (which was 5:30am in Idaho).  We rented a car and drove to Clarissa's.  We were so excited to get there.

    When we walked in the door to our surprise and delight, Miles went right to Randy, and gave him the sweetest hugs.  He wouldn't let got of him.  He didn't want me at all, but only had eyes for his Grandpa.  I think they must have had a special relationship in Heaven that Miles was remembering, because he hasn't seen his Grandpa for months.  It was so dang cute.  Thank heaven he has since warmed up to me, but he will gladly take Grandpa every chance he gets.

Hilary's Treasures

     Sunday was the blessing day for ADRIE CLAIRE WESTERN
 It was the nicest day.  Not only had Hilary made darling Adrie, but also her blessing dress.
She bought a woman's dress at the DI that looked very vintage.  She made up a dress pattern and created  a masterpiece from the material, lace, and pearls of the old dress.  It was beautiful!!  She also crafted booties, and headband, and braclet.  Everything was perfect!!
     Dan gave Adrie the sweetest blessing.  My favorite part, was that he blessed her to learn well from her mother.  To learn to be a wonderful homemaker and how to treat others kindly.   I thought that was such a special complement to Hilary, for Dan to want Adrie to be just like her.   I loved it!!!
 Hilary, ever the perfect  hostess made the day wonderful for all of those in attendance.  We are especially grateful to have Adrie in our family.  She was sweet as she could be and did her part well, looking like and angel, and not fussing a bit.  Who could ask for anything more?