Sunday, October 31, 2010


It is hard to believe that my “Little Clarissa” (who looks amazingly like her ‘Little Gracie), who couldn’t stay overnight at Shari’s house, is not LIVING on the East Coast.  That is as far away from Archer as you can get and still be in this country.  After 4 days of driving they arrived yesterday at Milford Massachusetts, which is very close to Boston.  What troopers they all were!
     We are so grateful that they have arrived safely.  That is lots of miles.  Speaking of Miles…he was sick the entire trip, which added to the adventure. 
      I am so grateful that because of membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints  there is a “ward family”  waiting for them. How comforting to a mother, and grandmother to know that.  The Saints in Milford don’t know yet how lucky they are to have the Meegan’s in their ward.  I hear it is a pretty small ward, so I am sure it won’t take long for Patrick and Clarissa to become very involved.  WE are sure there will be “best friends” for every one of them.
        I am just hoping that their next “Ward family” will be closer to home, and  I am secretly hoping that Clarissa will just come home before it gets dark, like she used to!!! 

Monday, October 25, 2010

A Dream Come True

     Randy and I have been dreaming of a cabin in Island Park for about 3 years.  Our kids have dreamed of one for lots longer than that.  Our lives have gotten a little simpler so we thought now was the time we could enjoy one.    We looked at dozen’s of cabins.  We had a great time seeing lots of different shapes and sizes.  We wanted one that would accommodate our family, which now numbers 31.  WE decided we couldn’t afford one that big, so we down sized to one that would accommodate some of our family. 
      We are so happy to have found the perfect one for us.  It is in the Rexburg Boat Club.  Luckily for us you have to be a resident of Madison County to be in the Rexburg Boat Club.  Lot’s of people who didn’t live in Rexburg tried to buy it, but were denied.  Another reason we are glad to live in Rexburg. 
     Island Park is such a beautiful place.  We love to be there.  WE have our own boat dock, which is a good place for our boat since, as most of you know it only works once in a while.   IT also came with bicycles and a paddle boat.  It has something for everyone.  WE are hoping for lots of great family times, and lots of visitors.!! 
 So Ya’ll Come Up Now Ya’ hear!!!

"My Last Linc"

Hello Blogging World!!  After a couple of trial and errors I am hoping this is my first real post.  I have decided that it might be a good way to keep in touch with my family, who now are spread clear to the East Coast.  I love reading my daughter's, daughter-in-laws, and neices blogs, and am so impressed with their creativity.  I love seeing all the pictures of the kids.  Which brings me to my topic. 

My Last Linc.   This is the last "first day of school" picture.  It is amazing to have gone from 8 little kids, so excited to go to school, to one lone boy.  Lincoln has grown up in such a different family than the older kids.  The only  noise and confusion he experiences is when his neices and nephews come over.  The older kids lived constantly with noise and confusion.   Who was luckier?  All I know is that I am so grateful for every one of them, and that I didn't stop before we had Lincoln.  Thankfully he is our "Last Linc" and not our "Missing Linc"

Friday night was another "last".  Our last football game at Madison High.  As you can tell by our smiles we aren't to sad about that.  Our team only won one game.  WE have had some high's and lows during out football years, and this one definietly wasn't a high.  Lincoln had fun, and really enjoyed the new coach.  The coach was a player for Boise State, who played in the Fiesta Bowl, so you can guess we had some sweet trick plays.....some of them even worked. 
Lincoln is now ready for his, and our, favorite sport.   BASEBALL!!!!