Randy and I have been dreaming of a cabin in Island Park for about 3 years. Our kids have dreamed of one for lots longer than that. Our lives have gotten a little simpler so we thought now was the time we could enjoy one. We looked at dozen’s of cabins. We had a great time seeing lots of different shapes and sizes. We wanted one that would accommodate our family, which now numbers 31. WE decided we couldn’t afford one that big, so we down sized to one that would accommodate some of our family.
We are so happy to have found the perfect one for us. It is in the Rexburg Boat Club. Luckily for us you have to be a resident of Madison County to be in the Rexburg Boat Club. Lot’s of people who didn’t live in Rexburg tried to buy it, but were denied. Another reason we are glad to live in Rexburg.
Island Park is such a beautiful place. We love to be there. WE have our own boat dock, which is a good place for our boat since, as most of you know it only works once in a while. IT also came with bicycles and a paddle boat. It has something for everyone. WE are hoping for lots of great family times, and lots of visitors.!! So Ya’ll Come Up Now Ya’ hear!!!
only FOUR MORE DAYS! Then we get to go there. Those pictures are so cute and really good quality. I love the one of you and dad on the stairs. SOOO happy you started a blog